Entertaining a one year old in a crib all day long has been interesting! I thought it was hard entertaining her on the drive home from Southern California--I guess that was just my warm up! She has colored, played with all her toys and then some more, read books, played with all the stuffed animals, played patty cake, played peek-a-boo, played her smelly feet game, sang songs, baa'ed like a lamb, tried pulling off all iv's and everything else attached to her, and about everything else I could think of. I need suggestions! How the heck do you entertain a 1 year old who has to stay still all day?!?!?!?! All she wants is to get on the floor and crawl around or walk and that is quite impossible in the ICU because of everything she is still hooked up to.
Good news! We are hoping to move out of the ICU tomorrow! I am not holding my breath, but that is the hope! We will be transferred up to "the floor," which is almost like paradise in my book. It reminds me a lot of a 5 star hotel--ha ha! It just seems like that anyway going from the ICU. :)
I was so bad about taking pictures today! Grandma and Grandpa Jacobs, Grandma and Grandpa Spencer, Great Grandma and Grandpa Willard, Great Great Grandma Bawden, and Uncle Calvin all came and I didn't take their pictures! I was terrible!
Here are the few pictures I actually took from the day:
Sponge Bath Time!
Zoey in her crib
And she is still in her crib...
Great Grandpa and Grandma Spencer came to visit--and I took a picture :)
This picture I took a few days ago and forgot to post it. This is a picture of the left over material of what they used as the "patch" in Zoey's heart. The missing piece is the patch inside her heart. It is pretty small, but considering her heart is only the size of her fist...it is actually a pretty big patch!
That is a decent size patch! What to do??? When Brielle was in the hospital for tubes I brought water paint and let her paint. It washes off easily and kept her entertained for a long time. I don't know if they would let you bring that in though. Will she watch a movie on your laptop? If so, barney or whatever she likes is good. Finger puppets(maybe on your fingers for now), Magnetic boards/toys, Wrap something up and let her unwrap it - that is probably hard for her right now though, stickers, magnadoodle - that's all I can think of. If I get an ah-ha moment I'll come back and post more. :o) Best of luck!
Wow! She is looking so good! She sure is a cutie!!
wow! she looks so much different in these new pics (a few less attatchments do the trick right?) good luck with the entertaining yikes!
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