Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Little Zoey

Today we went to another Doctor appointment for Zoey. This appointment was with her Peditrition. They weighed her there and she weighed 7 lbs 7 oz...only 2 oz more than when she was born! I had been telling Adam the other day that I thought she was getting so big so fast-but 2 oz in 3 weeks I guess really isn't fast! She is eating good, so it suprised me that she has gained so little. I guess that is what heart surgery and throwing up all weekend does to you though. I want her to stay my little baby-but it would be good for her if she started putting on the pounds!


Diane Owen said...

I'm still dying to come see her, but had strep this weekend, so I'll stay away until I make sure its good and gone around here! I'm glad she is doing well, and I'm sure the weight is coming. :)

Unknown said...

I'm dying to come and see her too! Randi said she got to come and visit and she was super cute! Now I'm jealous :) Lydie needs to meet her new best friend soon so call me if you guys are ever just bored at home. Glad everything is going well!

Unknown said...

sorry- don't know if you know who this is. Its Emily Johnson :)

Shelese said...

I am so glad that she is home now! I will be working in St. George for a few weeks, but when I get home I would love to meet this little cutie!

Randi said...

This must be why you said you are waking up every three hours now. Oh I am sorry for you to have to do that, but Zoey is so cute. She'll get there.

Notme said...

I am so glad you guys are doing well! What a little trooper!