Sunday, July 26, 2009

The New Plan

Last night I started to have very hard and frequent contractions starting at 3 AM. They still wouldn't give me any medication so I just had to endure them. The contractions went on for hours. At 8 AM I got a new nurse that found what I had been receiving as treatment "cruel and unusual." She was a great nurse. She went and told the doctors that I really needed some sort of paid meds. She did get permision to give me some morfine and some sort of sleep medication. I was able to take a pretty good nap. That was really good cause I was getting so tired and so was Adam.

They plan on giving me pitocin again tonight starting at 5 AM. The hope is she will be born tomorrow afternoon when all of the teams of people are here to help her! I am hoping they will give me the epidural at 5 AM or sooner as well :) I have had enough contractions without medication :) I know I have said this in almost every post, but I really am hoping I will have pictures of her to post tomorrow!!!!!


Jena said...

I hope you are doing okay. Hang in there!

Shelese said...

Sounds like you are in for an adventure! Yay for epidurals!

MARK & CHRISTY said...

Wow Rach you are so brave!! I think I would have been dyin! Good luck and I really hope I see some pics of your cute baby tomorrow too!!

Dalling Family said...

I'm so sorry that you have had such a rough delivery. I can't imagine! (Mine were relatively easy as far as labor goes.)
Good luck tomorrow sweets! Oh yeah, if you can and feel comfortable, send Adam home to take a good nap so he will be able to better assist you tomorrow. :-)