Saturday, July 25, 2009

Back at it!!!

Friday after noon Rachel was having contractions every 6 minutes and they were lasting 1.5 to 2 minutes, so we came back in. When we got to the hospital the contractions stopped. After we make it to Labor and Delivery, Rachel was checked for progress. We had spent 26 hours the day before and had only made it to a 1, 50% so we did not expect they would find a change. To tell the truth Rachel and I felt silly being there since the contractions had stopped. They did their exam and said Rachel was a 3, 90% so they had us spend the night here. They want Zoey to be born in the day time so there are more helping hands available to help Zoey after she is born, so they told us they would not do anything to stop the labor but they would not do anything to help it either. They said they would check Rachel in the morning and see if progress had been made, if progress was being made they would then give Rachel an epidural and help labor progress. It is now morning and we were up past 3:00 am with Rachel having intense contractions, so we were hoping that all of our work had made some progress. They did their exam and said 3, 90%. Now the plan is to keep us here until she is born but that might be Monday or later. If Rachel starts making progress they will still give her an epidural and help things along, as long as it is morning and there is time to have the baby today.


Shelese said...

Wow! I hope that she doesn't wear you out too much before she comes!

Brett and Rachel said...
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Brett and Rachel said...

Good luck you guys! We will be thinking about you...and praying litlle Zoey will come soon. :) We love you guys!!! Brett and Rachel

Unknown said...

Good luck guys. I can't wait to be an uncle :)

Rob & Tiffanie said...

Good grief-- this baby is going to make quite the entrance! I can't believe she is being so stubborn. Either the baby is stubborn or Rachels body:) I hope it is soon, so she doesn't get too tired, once it is time. Let us know if you need anything!

Dalling Family said...

Yikes! Tell her to let go of those ribs! Good luck and get whatever rest you can!

Angelina said...

Good luck! Hopefully she'll be born soon. I can't image that labor pains and then traveling back and for to the hospital is much fun.

MARK & CHRISTY said...

Oh push her out, push her out.. way out!! Good Luck Rach! I'm already impressed!