Here is just a cute picture I took one day. Notice her little hair on the back of her head that pokes straight up. Ha Ha! It is so cute! I just love it! It always stands up like that! It reminds me of all the baby cartoons that you see where they have one hair poking straight up! That is my little Zoey! What a cutie!

For Labor Day weekend, we had planned on going to Adam's family cabin. A few days before we left I was talking to Zoey's Pediatrician and he said that he didn't suggest to take Zoey in any elevation above 5500 feet above sea level since the air is so much thinner up there than it is here. Zoey's oxygen levels were not very good that week and we couldn't risk them going any lower. We were pretty disappointed to hear this because we needed a vacation badly. We decided to go up to Lava Hot Springs. We went with Adam's family. It was so much fun! Zoey can't go in public so Zoey stayed the whole time in the house we stayed in, but it was still so fun! Here are some pics from the weekend!
We did get her picture by the sign that says Lava! Had to get a picture of something for her first vacation!
Going down the river!
We broke the rules once and took Zoey out in public and participated in a heart walk. It was a mile walk, so not too long since a lot of the people participating have heart defects. We had so much fun getting Zoey ready for her "walk." We gave her a sweat band and put on her walking shoes. Also, her pants are covered in hearts. She was just so cute! Grandma Jacobs and Aunt Marci (aka "Auntie M") also came along! Next year I will make sure I let you all know about the walk with plenty of time in advance so we can all do it together to support little Zoey! It was so cool to go to the heart walk and see lots of people who have been affected by heart defects. Not that it is neat to see that lots of people have been effected, it was just good to be with people who are in our situation, and to see older healthy kids with heart defects. Here are the pictures from the walk!
Because Zoey can't go out in public, we blessed Zoey at home. I don't have the pictures right now from the blessing because they are on a different camera I don't have right now. But, but I will post them later in the week.
Zoey had her 2 month well check on Monday. She is doing better with her weight! She weighs 10 lbs 3 oz and is in the 31st percentile. This is major improvement. Zoey was in the 11th percentile for her weight when we took her home from the hospital. She is 22 1/2 inches long, which is in the 53rd percentile.
We went today to Primary Children's for a clinic visit. She is doing really well. Here is a picture of what she looked like when they were monitoring her heart. She wasn't very happy when they started doing all the tests! I think she likes being home much better than at the hospital.
Welcome fall! I love the fall! It is my favorite season! Since it was so cold today, we put a hat on Zoey before taking her to Primarys. Oh! She is just so cute! Sorry the picture is a little blurry.

Just a little update on the nursing thing...yeah, that isn't happening. I talked to a lactation consultant and she said that Zoey was "ruined." So I kinda gave up on it, but tonight I got a recommendation from a friend for a different lactation consultant so I think I will try her and see what we happens. We will just keep trying. I hate pumping!
Well, there you have it! My long update with pictures of the blessing to come! I will try to do better at updating this thing more often! :)